“Vinegar Tom” will open Thursday, Feb. 17, as the next production in the UCF Conservatory Theatre’s 2011 season. This contemporary play by Caryl Churchill runs at the University of Central Florida’s Black Box Theater Feb. 17-27.
“Vinegar Tom,” directed by Julia Listengarten, is a play about witches … without any “witches” in it. With a feminist tone and interwoven music, the play creates parallels and connections between the witch trials of 17th-century England and modern-day attitudes about women in society. A story about oppression and scapegoats, “Vinegar Tom” challenges the audience to think about their responsibility for the discrimination that exists in today’s world.
“Vinegar Tom” will run at 8 p.m. Thursdays-Saturdays, and 2 p.m. Sundays at the theater, 4000 Central Florida Blvd. in East Orange County. Tickets are $19 for adults, $17 for seniors, $12 for students. Call 407-823-1500.
And now, roll the credits:
Director…………………………… Julia Listengarten
Scenic Designer………………….. Benson Knight
Lighting Designer………………….. Vandy Wood
Costume Designer………………… Meg White
Sound Designer………………….. Martin Wootton
Vocal Coach……………………… Shelley Cooper
Music Consultant………………… Sue Glerum
Movement Coach………………… Allen McCoy
Dramaturg………………………… Nick Murphy
Stage Manager…………………… Kristina Elliott
Man/Doctor/Bellringer…………… Luke Bernard
Alice……………………………… Allison Walter
Jack………………………………. Jason Nettle
Margery…………………………… Kayla Zaniboni
Betty……………………………… Hannah Klein
Joan/Sprenger…………………….. Lesley Noyes
Susan……………………………… Chloe Miranda
Ellen/Kramer……………………… Kevia Goins
Packer…………………………………. Casey Noble
Goody…………………………….. Edmarie Montes
Musicians:..………………………… Shay Cambre, Jordan Christenot, Courtney Imhoff, Olivia Murphy, Catie Pires-Fernandes, Samantha Salerno